you are a warrior

My reading pile never seems to stop growing. I have a bad habit of buying more books even though I've yet to make a dent in the stack of books I currently have. One of my goals this summer is to do some work on that stack! I've started Lisa Bevere's Girls with Swords and need to finish it! I'm only in the first chapter but even in the first pages, Lisa starts off strong. I hope her words encourage you as you begin your week!

Now is not the time to draw back in fear. It is a time when we must rise up and flourish in love...becoming who God created you to be is both your best offense and your best defense against the enemy's strategy. He obviously didn't stop you from drawing breath. It is now time to keep him from stifling the spiritual seed God planted inside you. When the enemy oppresses, it is always because he fears what we might become.



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